
Advantages of FRP

①Lightweight and high strength

For the density between 1.5 and 2.0, it is only 1/4 to 1/5 of carbon steel, but the tensile strength is close to or even exceeds carbon steel, and the specific strength can be compared with high-grade alloy steel. The tensile, flexural and compressive strengths of some epoxy FRP can reach more than 400pa.

②Good corrosion resistance

FRP is a good corrosion-resistant material and has good resistance to the atmosphere, water, general concentrations of acids, alkalis, salts, and various oils and solvents. It has been applied to all aspects of chemical anti-corrosion, such as carbon steel, stainless steel, wood, non-ferrous metals, etc.

③Good electrical performance

It is an excellent insulating material and is used to make insulators. Good dielectric properties can still be protected at high frequencies. It has good microwave permeability and has been widely used in radar radomes.

④Good thermal performance

The thermal conductivity of FRP is low, 1.25~1.67kj (m·h·k) at room temperature, which is only 1/100 to 1/1000 of metal. It is an excellent thermal insulation material. In the case of instantaneous ultra-high temperatures, it is an ideal thermal protection and burn-resistant material that can protect spacecraft from being washed by high-speed airflow at temperatures above 20,000C.

⑤Good designability

Various structural products can be flexibly designed according to needs to meet the use requirements, which can make the product have good integrity;

Materials can be fully selected to meet the performance of the product; for example, products can be designed to be corrosion-resistant, resistant to instantaneous high temperatures, have particularly high strength in a certain direction, have good dielectric properties, etc.

⑥Excellent workmanship

The molding process can be flexibly selected according to the shape, technical requirements, use and quantity of the product;

The process is simple, can be formed in one go, and has outstanding economic effects. Especially for products with complex shapes and small quantities that are difficult to form, its process superiority is highlighted.

Contact Us

Contact: Amy Xu

Phone: +86 15950541609

Tel: +86-0510-88712399

WhatsApp, Wechat: +86 15950541609

Add: No.33 Xingyue Road, Xishan District, Wuxi, China